Shazia is the 80-year-old we snapchatting, youngest know. She's a filter-flexing grandmother who's hip to all the latest trends. And while she has one foot always in the now, she has another firmly planted in the past. With her ancestral roots reaching far back into the far back into the beginnings of the Nizam era, Shazia is a repository of forgotten recipes that are all but lost to time. She generously shared the recipe for her legendary Bade ki Biryani, a hand-me-down from the khansamas of yore. It's the finest testimony yet to the belief that some things never grow old.
Little Miss Noor is the great-granddaughter of none other than Shazia who absolutely dotes on her. This charming chatterbox talks nineteen to the dozen, regaling friends and strangers with amazing tales of adventure that she dreams up every night with her puppet friend, Mimi. Noor insists that they're all true, and Shazia concurs. For what are dreams if not reality simply waiting to happen? Dream on, Noor, dream on.
Shazia shared it with us. And we're sharing it with you. Because recipes shouldn't be secret; they're gifts to humanity, meant to be savoured by all. Try your hand at it and let us know how it tasted. You’re welcome!
Shazia shared it with us. And we're sharing it with you. Because recipes shouldn't be secret; they're gifts to humanity, meant to be savoured by all. Try your hand at it and let us know how it tasted. You’re welcome!